The Systems Engineering Research Center and U.S. Army DEVCOM Armaments Center are pleased to invite submissions for the sixth annual AI4SE & SE4AI Research and Application Workshop planned for September 17-18 at the Virginia Tech Innovation Campus in Alexandria, Virginia.
This year, two types of submissions are welcome – paper presentations, which will be given traditional speaking slots, and interactive sessions, which may take the form of tutorials or round-table discussions intended to co-create a product. The submission guidelines and forms are linked below.
Registration will open this summer. For questions, please contact SERC Communications Manager Alan Skontra at as******@st*****.edu.
Systems Engineering AI that Works: Assuring Transformative Capabilities and Enabling a Digital Transformation
Rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence Enabled Systems (AIES) are key enablers of both future operational capabilities and efficiency in the lifecycle of acquisition, engineering, manufacturing and operations & sustainment. This presents both transformative potential, and new risks. System engineering as a discipline has a critical role to play in ensuring that when deployed, AIES will work as needed, in accordance with legal principles and does not introduce new sources of vulnerability. Systems engineering processes must be updated to meet these changing needs. The conference theme – “Systems Engineering AI that Works: Assuring Transformative Capabilities and Enabling a Digital Transformation” – aims to foster discussions and insights on how systems engineering can support the development of trustworthy AI systems, and how AI tools can in turn transform the practice of systems engineering and shape the workforce.
The SE4AI track focuses on leveraging systems engineering principles and methodologies to develop safe, robust, and efficient AI systems, while extending them in response to the nature of AI enabled systems. The AI4SE track delves into the application of AI in support of systems engineering processes, by enabling enhanced decision-making, optimization, validation, and verification.
As in the past, the conference will be organized around SE4AI and AI4SE.
The SE4AI track focuses on leveraging systems engineering principles and methodologies to develop safe, robust, and efficient AI systems that augment operational capabilities, while extending and advancing these principles and methodologies in response to the nature of AI enabled systems. Specific research areas in this track include but are not limited to:
- AI embedded in complex systems of systems (SoS) and/or teams,
- Measures of trust that include a recognition of human and technology and interaction, including studies on explainability, interpretability, and related AI-ilities.
- Test and Evaluation (T&E) of AI enabled systems across the lifecycle,
- System design processes that support AI across the lifecycle, including AI maintenance and sustainment principles and practice.
- Bidirectionality in human-AI collaborative systems.
- Socio-technical System Testbeds to support system characterization and/or training.
- Critical aspects of safety, reliability, and ethical considerations in developing and deploying AI systems.
The AI4SE track delves into the application of AI in support of systems engineering processes, by enabling enhanced decision-making, optimization, validation, and verification. Specific research areas in this track include but are not limited to:
- Evolving role of digital engineering and its impact on the systems engineering workforce, fostering skill development and adaptation in an AI-driven landscape.
- Cognitive assistants: conversational systems automating many mundane data entry, exploration, and engineering calculation tasks, and many workflows, beyond LLMs.
- AI and visualization to assist in complex project management activities, including managing human teams.
- AI to manage large-scale data-intensive tasks, including mission model creation, tradespace exploration, document review and synthesis.
- Other AI, data analytic, and visualization approaches to improve SE and PM, including AI-augmented and guided exploration of extremely large data spaces with complex relationships.
- Considerations of how the availability of AI tools could/should workflows and what training is needed.
Paper Presentation Guidelines
Submissions must contain enough technical content for the committee to judge the quality and potential impact of the results.
Title: 200-character limit
Extended Abstract: 2 minimum, 3 pages maximum
The abstract must clearly state the objectives, methodology, expected or achieved outcomes of your research, and explain the relevance of your work to practice. A subset of mature submissions may be invited to a special issue after the conference.
Research area: Indicate the specific research area (bullets listed above) you are addressing within the broad tracks of SE4AI or AI4SE.
References: An additional page may be included to contain endnote references, graphics, and URL links to faculty/researcher bios and curriculum vitae.
Primary Author/Presenter: Full name, title and organization.
Additional Authors: Any additional authors and/or presenters should be listed with their organization.
Submission Type: Indicate whether your submission is for a research presentation or practitioner case study. The technical committee intends to include a mix of both types in the individual presentations, but the relative weight of rigor and relevance will be evaluated differently.
The deadline to submit a paper presentation is June 9 at 11:59pm ET. All materials must be approved for public release.
Interactive Session Guidelines
Interactive sessions proposals must clearly explain the format and goals of the tutorial or roundtable and identify all the organizers and the relevant experience.
Title: 200-character limit
Description: 1-page limit
Since this is the first time the technical committee is including interactive sessions, please provide enough information to share the goal of your interactive session and how it will run. List all identified speakers and whether they are confirmed. The technical committee will reach out to submitters early to discuss.
Research area: Indicate the specific research area (bullets listed above) you are addressing within the broad tracks of SE4AI or AI4SE.
All contributors and their roles: Full name, title, organization, and contact information.
The deadline to submit an interactive session is May 5 at 11:59pm ET. All materials must be approved for public release.
Contact for Questions
If you have any questions about the submission process, contact SERC Communications Manager Alan Skontra at as******@st*****.edu.