Providing Breadth, Depth, and Expertise in Systems Engineering Education and Knowledge
The Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC) is a University Affiliated Research Center (UARC) competitively awarded by the U.S. Department of Defense to Stevens Institute of Technology in 2008. The SERC is truly unique among the UARCs in that it is intentionally structured as a collaborative research entity by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, ASD(R&E), the SERC’s primary sponsor and core funding source. In this collaborative structure, the SERC leverages the expertise of senior lead researchers from over 20 collaborator universities throughout the U.S., with over 400 researchers working on more than 40 research activities in over 5 years.
SERC researchers have worked within a wide variety of domains and industries and bring views and ideas from beyond the traditional defense industrial base. Through its collaborative research concept, the SERC embodies the potential to radically improve the application of systems engineering to the successful development, integration, testing, and sustainability of complex systems, services, and enterprises. The SERC is the Networked National Resource to further systems research and its impact on issues of national and global significance.