- Ph.D. (Industrial and Systems Engineering) - December, 1994, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia
- M.S. (Industrial and Systems Engineering) - May, 1991, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia
- B.S. (Mechanical Engineering) - June, 1986, Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh, India
Dinesh Verma is the Executive Director of the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC), the first University Affiliated Research Center established by the DoD for Systems Engineering Research. He is also a Professor in Systems Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology as well as the Scientific Advisor to the Director of the Embedded Systems Institute in Eindhoven, Holland. Prior to this role, he served as the Dean of the School of Systems and Enterprises at Stevens institute of Technology (2007 -2017), as well as the Technical Director at Lockheed Martin Undersea Systems, in Manassas, Virginia, in the area of adapted systems and supportability engineering processes, methods and tools for complex system development and integration.
Before joining Lockheed Martin, Verma worked as a Research Scientist at Virginia Tech and managed the University’s Systems Engineering Design Laboratory. While at Virginia Tech and afterwards, Verma continues to serve numerous companies in a consulting capacity, to include Eastman Kodak, Lockheed Martin Corporation, L3 Communications, United Defense, Raytheon, IBM Corporation, Sun Microsystems, SAIC, VOLVO Car Corporation (Sweden), NOKIA (Finland), RAMSE (Finland), TU Delft (Holland), Johnson Controls, Ericsson-SAAB Avionics (Sweden), Varian Medical Systems (Finland), and Motorola. He served as an Invited Lecturer from 1995 through 2000 at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom. His professional and research activities emphasize systems engineering and design with a focus on conceptual design evaluation, preliminary design and system architecture, design decision-making, life cycle costing, and supportability engineering. In addition to his publications, Verma has received three patents in the areas of life-cycle costing and fuzzy logic techniques for evaluating design concepts.
Dr. Verma has authored over 100 technical papers, book reviews, technical monographs, and co-authored three textbooks: Maintainability: A Key to Effective Serviceability and Maintenance Management (Wiley, 1995), Economic Decision Analysis (Prentice Hall, 1998), and the Applied Space Systems Engineering (2015). He is a Fellow of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), a senior member of SOLE, and was elected to Sigma Xi, the honorary research society of America.
- SERC-2012-TR-026-1-Systems Engineering Assessment & Workforce Development Plan
- SERC-2013-TR-038-1-The Helix Project
- SERC-2013-TR-038-2-Helix – Phases 1 and 2
- SERC-2014-TR-038-3-Helix – Phase 3
- SERC-2016-TR-106-Atlas 0.6: Expanding on the Theory of Effective Systems Engineers
- SERC-2016-TR-119-The Development of Atlas: The Theory of Effective Systems Engineers
- SERC-2010-TR-013-1-Technical Leadership Development Program– Year 1
- SERC-2014-TR-013-5-Technical Leadership Development Program – Year 5
- SERC-2018-TR-106-Mission Engineering Competencies
- SERC-2017-TR-110-Transforming Systems Engineering through Model-Centric Engineering
- SERC-2017-TR-111-Transforming Systems Engineering through Model-Centric Engineering
- SERC-2018-TR-101-Helix
- SERC-2018-TR-101-A-Atlas 1.1: An Update to the Theory of Effective Systems Engineers
- SERC-2018-TR-101-B-Atlas 1.1 Implementation Guide: Moving from Theory into Practice
- SERC-2018-TR-101-C-Atlas Career Path Guidebook: Patterns and Common Practices in Systems Engineers’ Development
- SERC-2018-TR-102-Systems Engineering Research Needs and Workforce Development Assessment
- SERC-2019-TR-001-Helix: Developing an Understanding of Organizational Systems Engineering Effectiveness
- SERC-2019-TR-010-Meshing Capability and Threat-based Science and Technology (S&T) Resource Allocation
- SERC-2020-TR-002-Digital Engineering Metrics
- SERC-2020-SR-003-Summary Report: WRT-1001 Digital Engineering Metrics
- SERC-2020-TR-007-WRT-1004: Helix
- SERC‐2020‐TR‐007‐A-Atlas: Effective Systems Engineers and Systems Engineering
- SERC-2020-TR-010-WRT-1006 Technical Report: Developing the Digital Engineering Competency Framework (DECF), Version 1.0
- SERC-2021-TR-005-WRT-1006 Technical Report: Developing the Digital Engineering Competency Framework (DECF) – Phase 2
- SERC-2019-TR-017-2019 - New Project Incubator
- SERC-2022-TR-002-WRT-1042: Policy Innovations to Enhance the STEM Talent Pipeline
- SERC-2022-TR-003-WRT-1043: DAU Digital Simulations (Base Year)
- SERC-2023-TR-007-WRT-1043: DAU Digital Engineering Simulation (Option Year 1)
- SERC-2024-TR-004-WRT-1043: DAU Digital Engineering Simulation Option Year 2
- SERC-2022-TR-005-WRT-1055 Policy Options to Promote DoD-Defense Industry Collaboration in STEM Education and Workforce Development Programs, Activities and Outreach
- SERC-2023-TR-009-WRT-1068: Policy Innovations to Enhance the STEM Talent Pipeline
Lead Author
- Poster - Transforming Systems Engineering through Model Centric Engineering-ARDEC
- Poster - RT 168: Transforming Systems Engineering through Model Centric Engineering
- Poster - RT 173: Helix
- Poster - RT 171: Mission Engineering Competencies
- Poster - Transforming Systems Engineering through Model Centric Engineering
- Poster - Mission Engineering Competencies
- Poster - Helix: Developing an Understanding of Organizational Systems Engineering Effectiveness
- Poster - Meshing Capability and Threat-based Science & Technology Resource Allocation
- Presentation - Welcome to the 2011 Annual SERC Research Review
- Presentation - Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC)Capstone Marketplace
- Presentation - Systems Engineering Research Needs and Workforce Development Study –Pathfinder Study
- Presentation - Policy Options to Promote DoD-Defense Industry Collaboration in STEM Education and Workforce Development Programs, Activities and Outreach
- Video - What Were the Top Issues and Opportunities from the SERC Model‐Centric Design and Acquisition Forum?
- Video - SSRR 2020: MORNING KEYNOTE by Dr. Sandra Magnus
- Workshop Report - Managing Acquisition and Program Risk
- Workshop Report - Research Workshop: AI4SE & SE4AI Report
- Other - Research Transition Report 2017 “Transitioning research into practice – crossing boundaries through integrative collaboration”
- Other - AIRC Perspectives: Managing Portfolios in an Environment of Dynamic Requirements and Uncertainty
- Systems Engineering Assessment & Workforce Development Plan
- Helix – Developing Effective Systems Engineers
- Developing Systems Engineering Technical Leadership
- Mission Engineering Competencies
- Transforming Systems Engineering through Model Based Systems Engineering-CCDC
- Systems Engineering Research Needs and Workforce Development Assessment (Pathfinder)
- Meshing Capability and Threat-based Science and Technology (S&T) Resource Allocation
- Digital Engineering Measures
- Digital Engineering Competency Framework
- New Project Incubator 2019-2020
- SERC Research Workshops
- Policy Innovations to Enhance the STEM Talent Pipeline
- DAU – Digital Engineering Simulation
- Policy Options to Promote DoD-Defense Industry Collaboration in STEM Education and Workforce Development