Technical Report
Technical Leadership Development Program – Year 5
Human Capital Development
Report Number: SERC-2014-TR-013-5
Publication Date: 2014-04-30
Developing Systems Engineering Technical Leadership
Principal Investigators:
Dr. Valentin Gavito
Co-Principal Investigators:
This report summarizes the research findings, conclusions, and recommendations for the SERC Research
Task 4 Year 4 (RT4 Y4) which addressed the observed short-comings of previous SYS 350B Business Lens
and SYS 350C Enterprise Lens Technical Leadership pilot courses conducted in FY12 with both DAU
faculty and government systems engineers. The research a) leveraged the content development lessons
learned during the SYS 350A Systems Lens pilots, b) refined and enhanced the integration of the SYS
350B and SYS 350C syllabi, c) conducted highly successful SYS 350B and SYS 350C student pilots in
December, 2013 and March, 2014 respectfully, and d) concluded with recommended pilot course
refinements. When updated with recommended post-pilot additions and deletions, SYS 350B and SYS
350C will be ready for pilot reevaluations and subsequent transition to the DAU.