Technical Report
Technical Leadership Development Program– Year 1
Human Capital Development
Report Number: SERC-2010-TR-013-1
Publication Date: 2010-12-13
Developing Systems Engineering Technical Leadership
Principal Investigators:
Dr. Valentin Gavito
Co-Principal Investigators:
In 2009, the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) contracted with the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC) to develop an extension of the DAU Systems, Programming, Research, Development, and Engineering (SPRDE) program that specifically focuses on technical leadership. This Technical Leadership Program (TLP) specifically will provide leadership insights into systems engineering (SE) activities and issues at the system, business, and enterprise levels.
Curriculum development began with the identification of a set of core systems engineering (SE) technical leadership competencies. This competency model was reviewed and refined by two rounds of subject matter expert (SME) review, with different experts from government, industry, and academia participating in each review. This competency list provided a baseline for program architecture development.
The competencies were compared to the current DAU SPRDE courseware to determine overlaps and gaps. Using this as a baseline, the TLP development team allocated competencies to each of the lenses—systems, business and team (B&T), enterprise and strategy (E&S)—with particular emphasis on competencies not currently covered by SPRDE.
Using this architecture, lens learning objectives, outcomes, and focus areas were identified. The focus areas were populated with a draft list of topics. Courseware from the SERC collaborators was compared to the topical outline for each lens to identify areas where materials exist which can be tailored to support the DAU TLP model and gaps where courseware needs to be developed.
Using this approach, the TLP development team will create and deliver a pilot for the
systems and B&T lenses in 2011. The E&S lens pilot will be delivered in 2012.