Turki Alelyani
Stevens Institute of Technology
I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Software Engineering Division at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey. My research studies the use of crowdsourcing for software development.
The advances in information and communication technology have fostered more innovative crowdsourcing systems that can harness the intelligence of online communities. Thus, software production is no longer centralized or limited to specific corporations, times of day, or numbers of developers. Instead, decentralized systems draw from large groups of people connecting through the Internet.
My broad reserach lies at the interaction of Human Computer Interaction and Software Engineeing. In particular, I am interested to study software crowdsourcing design through understanding developers motivation, engagement, coordination and collaboration.
I approach this research by conducting empirical studies which involve using machine learning techniques, and experimental approaches.
I recieved my MS degree in Computer Science from Stevens Institute of Technology.
Lead Author
- Presentation - Framework for Analyzing Versioning and Technical Debt