Dr. Michael Bruno
Stevens Institute of Technology
Dr. Bruno’s research and teaching interests include ocean observation systems, maritime security, and coastal ocean dynamics. He is the author of more than 100 technical publications in various aspects of the field. Prior to assuming the duties of Dean, Dr. Bruno was the Director of the Center for Maritime Systems and Davidson Laboratory at Stevens from 1989 to 2007. During this period, he initiated the development of several ocean and weather observation and forecasting systems, including the New York Harbor Observation and Prediction System, sponsored by the Office of Naval Research; and the New Jersey Coastal Monitoring Network, both of which are now important components of the US Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS). Dr. Bruno’s involvement in ocean observation system design and operation includes international efforts, in particular via his work as the Co-Chair of the International Workshop Steering Committee for the GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice. Dr. Bruno was also the founder and Principal Investigator of the Atlantic Center for the Innovative Design and Control of Small Ships – funded by the Office of Naval Research. The Center includes the U.S. Naval Academy, University College London, Webb Institute of Naval Architecture, and the Naval Postgraduate School, and directs university-industry collaborative research and educational programs in support of the ship design community. In 2008, Dr. Bruno led a team of academic institutions, including Stevens, MIT, Rutgers University, the University of Puerto Rico, and the University of Miami in a successful proposal to receive designation as the DHS National Center of Excellence in Maritime, Island, and Extreme Environment Security.