Dr. Babak Heydari
Stevens Institute of TechnologyNortheastern University
Babak Heydari is an assistant professor at the School of Systems and Enterprises, at Stevens Institute of Technology and the director of Complex Evolving Networked Systems Lab. He holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from University of California at Berkeley with a minor in management and economics and has three years of industry experience in Silicon Valley. Dr. Heydari has a diverse set of research interests and academic backgrounds and does interdisciplinary research at the intersection of engineering, economics and systems sciences. His current research, is on developing model-driven approach in analysis, design and governance of Complex Networked Systems. His research interests are network resource sharing formation and diffusion of collective behavior, modularity, emergence and evolution of collective behavior and the co-evolution of structure and behavior in complex networks. His research has been funded by NSF, DARPA, INCOSE, SERC and a number of private corporations. He was the recipient of NSF CAREER Award in 2016.