Dr. Tommer R. Ender
Laboratory Director-Electronic Systems Laboratory
Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr. Tommer R. Ender serves as Director of the Electronic Systems Laboratory (ELSYS) of the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI). As GTRI’s largest lab with over 500 personnel and over $80M in annual awards, ELSYS has grown to meet the needs of sponsors across a broad set of Department of Defense and other research sponsors. Research focus areas include electronic warfare test and sustainment, avionics systems integration, applied systems engineering, human systems, open systems architecting, advanced materials and devices, and occupational health and safety.
Formerly, Dr. Ender was a Principal Research Engineer and served as Chief of ELSYS’s Systems Engineering Research Division. He oversaw GTRI’s portfolio of applied systems engineering and human systems integration research projects. His primary area of research included development of collaborative, executable Model Based Systems Engineering tools utilizing multidisciplinary design optimization and tradespace analytics as applied to complex systems-of-systems.
He is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP), and has served as Principal Investigator of over $25M in sponsored research at GTRI. Dr. Ender is an instructor and course developer for Georgia Tech’s Professional Master’s in Applied Systems Engineering, and has served on MS and PhD thesis committees at Georgia Tech and other universities. He is an active member of IEEE, INCOSE, NDIA, AOC, MORS and PMI, regularly publishing with those organizations.
Dr. Ender received his BS, MS, and PhD in Aerospace Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.
- SERC-2016-TR-108-Engineered Resilient Systems: Tradespace Tools Research
- SERC-2015-TR-102-5-Engineered Resilient Systems: Tradespace Tools Research
- SERC-2014-TR-043-1-Enterprise Architecture Tradespace Analysis
- SERC-2016-TR-101-System Qualities Ontology, Tradespace and Affordability (SQOTA) Project – Phase 4
- SERC-2017-TR-105-System Qualities Ontology, Tradespace and Affordability (SQOTA) Project Phase 5
- SERC-2018-TR-108-System Qualities (SQs) Ontology, Tradespace and Affordability (SQOTA), Phase 6
- SERC-2013-TR-039-1-Tradespace and Affordability – Phase 1
- SERC-2013-TR-039-2-Tradespace and Affordability – Phase 2
- SERC-2014-TR-039-3--ilities Tradespace and Affordability Project – Phase 3