Dr. Carl Elks
Virginia Commonwealth University
Dr. Elks’ professional experience and interests over the past 20 years are in the analysis, design and assessment of dependable embedded systems which are typically found in critical infrastructure such as nuclear power, rail systems, flight control systems, electric power grid management and SCADA systems. As such, his career has been focused on maturing and advancing the state of the art in the areas of safety assessment, cyber-security, and fault tolerance/resilience through education, innovation and technology demonstration projects. He is recognized as a national level expert in the area of digital I&C, fault injection methods, and safety assessment methods for highly critical systems. While at NASA, he was significantly involved in the initial development of full-authority digital flight control technology for civil air transports that are used in today’s fly-by-wire airliners. His recent projects have significantly contributed to the improvement of safety and security assessment methods required for licensing digital safety systems used in Nuclear Power Plants. He is past chair of the IEEE International Symposium on Network Cloud Computing and Applications, and is one of the co-founders of the Center for Safe and Secure Nuclear Energy located at the Center for Advanced Engineering Research in Lynchburg Virginia. He is past recipient of the national technology transfer award from the Federal Laboratory Consortium.
His recent research and teaching interests include resilient Cyber Physical Systems, light weight formal verification, methods and tools for fault injection, cyber threat and vulnerability analysis, Human Systems Interactions in complex systems, Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles, Renewable Energy Systems, and modernization strategies for energy and utility infrastructures.
- SERC-2016-TR-156-Transition of System-Aware Technology into Practice (Task 1) and Mission-Level Cybersecurity and Solution & the Selection of Decision Support Tools (Task 2)
- SERC-2017-TR-114-Security Engineering – FY17 Systems Aware Cybersecurity
- SERC-2013-TR-036-2-Security Engineering: System Aware Cyber Security for an Autonomous Surveillance System On Board an Unmanned Arial Vehicle
- SERC-2014-TR-036-3-Security Engineering Project: System Aware Cyber Security for an Autonomous Surveillance System On Board an Unmanned Arial Vehicle
- SERC-2013-TR-036-1-Security Engineering Pilot
- SERC-2019-TR-002-Model-based Engineering for Functional Risk Assessment and Design of Cyber Resilient Systems
- SERC-2018-TR-110-Cyber Security Requirements Methodology
Lead Author
- Conference Paper - Cyber-Physical Systems Modeling for Security Using SysML
- Conference Paper - MISSION AWARE : Evidence-Based, Mission-Centric Cybersecurity Analysis
- Conference Paper - A Model-Based Approach to Security Analysis for Cyber-Physical Systems
- Conference Paper - A Systems Approach for Eliciting Mission-Centric Security Requirements
- Poster - Security Engineering
- Presentation - Model-Based Decision Support for Systems- Aware Cybersecurity
- Presentation - Security Engineering 2018