Dr. Jo Ann Lane
University of Southern California
Dr. Jo Ann Lane is currently the systems engineering Co-Director of the University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering, a member of the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC) Research Council representing the system of systems research area, and emeritus professor of computer science at San Diego State University. Her current areas of research include system of systems engineering (SoSE), SoSE processes, SoSE cost modeling, system of systems interoperability, SoSE test and evaluation, system affordability, system development feasibility assessments, expediting systems engineering, balancing lean and agile techniques with technical debt, and innovation in systems engineering.
Her list of publications includes over 50 journal articles and conference papers. In addition, she was co-author of the 2014 Incremental Commitment Spiral Model: Principles and Practices for Successful Systems, co-author of the 2008 Department of Defense (DoD) Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems, and a contributor to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK).
Prior to her current work in academia, she had a distinguished career in industry beginning as a software computer scientist, progressively assuming more responsibilities as both a technical chief scientist and a project/program manager, and culminating as a vice president in the Software and Systems Integration Group. During her tenure in industry, she was responsible for the development and integration of software-intensive systems and systems of systems, evaluation and transition to new technologies, development of corporate software development processes, and quantitative assessment of corporate program performance and software development processes. Systems she worked on included healthcare systems of systems; local government information management systems and systems of systems; DoD command, control, and communications systems; integrated undersea surveillance systems; aircraft simulator systems; and the Global Positioning System.
She received her PhD in systems engineering from the University of Southern California, her Master’s Degree in computer science from San Diego State University, and her Bachelor’s Degree in mathematics from San Diego State University. She is currently a member of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) professional organizations and Past President of the San Diego Chapter of INCOSE.
- SERC-2011-TR-0017-1-Requirements Management for Net-Centric Enterprises - Phase I
- SERC-2011-TR-0017-2-Requirements Management for Net-Centric Enterprises - Phase II
- SERC-2012-TR-034-1-Expedited Systems Engineering for Rapid Capability and Urgent Needs
- SERC-2011-TR-022-1-Agile and Lean Systems Engineering: Kanban in Systems Engineering
- SERC-2013-TR-022-2-Agile and Lean Systems Engineering (ALSE): Kanban in Systems Engineering
- SERC-2010-TR-012-1-Life Cycle Systems Engineering Needs for Evolutionary Acquisition
- SERC-2009-TR-004-1-Evaluation of Systems Engineering Methods, Processes and Tools on Department of Defense and Intelligence Community Programs – Phase II
- SERC-2013-TR-032-2-Software Intensive Systems Cost and Schedule Estimation
- SERC-2009-TR-001-1-Early Identification of SE-Related Program Risks
- SERC-2016-TR-101-System Qualities Ontology, Tradespace and Affordability (SQOTA) Project – Phase 4
- SERC-2017-TR-105-System Qualities Ontology, Tradespace and Affordability (SQOTA) Project Phase 5
- SERC-2013-TR-039-1-Tradespace and Affordability – Phase 1
- SERC-2013-TR-039-2-Tradespace and Affordability – Phase 2
- SERC-2014-TR-039-3--ilities Tradespace and Affordability Project – Phase 3
- SERC-2010-TR-010-1-Value of Flexibility – Phase I
- SERC-2012-TR-010-2-Valuing Flexibility – Phase II
Lead Author
- Conference Paper - Affordable Systems: Balancing the Capability, Schedule, Flexibility, and Technical Debt Tradespace
- Conference Paper - A Lean Approach to Improving SE Visibility in Large Operational Systems Evolution
- Conference Paper - A Model for Estimating Agile Project Schedule Acceleration
- Conference Paper - Enablers and Inhibitors of Expediting Systems Engineering
- Conference Paper - An Evidence-Based Systems Engineering (SE) Data Item Description
- Conference Paper - An Orthogonal Framework for Improving Life Cycle Affordability
- Conference Paper - Goal-Question-Kanban: Applying lean concepts to coordinate multi-level systems engineering in large enterprises
- Conference Paper - Modeling Kanban Processes in Systems Enginering
- Conference Paper - Improving Systems Engineering Effectiveness in Rapid Response Development Environments
- Conference Paper - An Event-driven Value-based Pull Systems Engineering Scheduling Approach
- Conference Paper - Effectiveness of kanban approaches in systems engineering within rapid response environments
- Conference Paper - Evidence-Based Software Processes
- Conference Paper - Critical Success Factors for Rapid, Innovative Solutions
- Poster - RT137 ITAP: SysML Building Blocks for Cost Modeling
- Poster - RT 25: Net-Centric Requirements Management
- Poster - RT 25: Net-Centric Requirements Management
- Poster - RT 25: Net-Centric Requirements Management
- Poster - RT 46/ RT 113 ITAP: SysML Building Blocks for Cost Modeling
- Presentation - Valuing Flexibility
- Presentation - RT 25 Overview : Requirements Management for Net – Centric Enterprises
- Evolutionary Requirements For Net-Centric Enterprise
- Expedited System Engineering
- Agile-Lean Software Engineering Evaluating Kanban In SE
- Life Cycle System Engineering Needs For Evolutionary Acquisition
- Evaluation Of Systems Engineering Methods, Processes and Tools on Department of Defense and Intelligence Community Programs
- Next-Generation Cost Estimation And Metrics For Software-Intensive Systems
- Assessing SE Effectiveness In Major Defense Acquisition Programs
- Tradespace and Affordability
- Valuing Flexibility For Complex Engineering Systems