Dr. Paul D. Collopy
Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, University of Alabama in Huntsville
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Dr. Paul D. Collopy is a SERC Research Council Emeritus member having provided guidance, with a focus in the Systems Engineering and Systems Management Transformation research area. Dr. Collopy is also a Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Engineering Management at University of Alabama in Huntsville. In addition to his work in academia, his career background includes leadership roles with the National Science Foundation and the Value-Driven Design Institute, and engineering positions with Procter & Gamble, Morton Thiokol, and GE Aircraft Engines.
Dr. Collopy is credited as the original developer of economic-based technology value models, and served as the lead advisor to the DARPA System F6 program for its Value-Centric Design for Adaptability technology pillar. Co-inventor on two patents and author of more than forty papers, Dr. Collopy speaks around the world about the design of large complex systems. He has been licensed as a professional engineer since 1981. Dr. Collopy received his Ph.D. and Masters in Engineering-Economic Systems from Stanford University, as well as his Bachelors in Electrical Engineering.
- SERC-2018-TR-109-Enterprise System-of-Systems Model for Digital-Thread Enabled Acquisition
- SERC-2015-TR-106-Strategic Planning for Science and Technology Portfolio
- SERC-2010-TR-010-1-Value of Flexibility – Phase I
- SERC-2012-TR-010-2-Valuing Flexibility – Phase II
- SERC-2018-TR-102-Systems Engineering Research Needs and Workforce Development Assessment
- SERC-2019-TR-017-2019 - New Project Incubator
Lead Author
- Poster - RT 182: Enterprise Systems-of-Systems Model for Digital Thread Enabled Acquisition
- Presentation - Valuing Flexibility
- Workshop Report - Managing Acquisition and Program Risk
- Other - Research Transition Report 2017 “Transitioning research into practice – crossing boundaries through integrative collaboration”
- Digital Engineering Measures
- Strategic Planning Science and Technology Portfolio
- Valuing Flexibility For Complex Engineering Systems
- Systems Engineering Assessment & Workforce Development Plan
- Systems Engineering Research Needs and Workforce Development Assessment (Pathfinder)
- New Project Incubator 2019-2020