5th Annual SERC Doctoral Students Forum

Washington, DC 20009
The SERC Doctoral Students Forum provides an opportunity for doctoral students conducting highly relevant, systems engineering-related research at any of the SERC collaborating universities to present their research in an open forum. Students can present regardless of whether or not the research was conducted through a SERC initiative. This half-day event drives high impact by exposing the attendees to research that they may not have otherwise encountered. A Best Student Paper is awarded on the basis of potential impact, advancement to systems engineering, originality, technical content, and clarity of presentation. Congratulations to this year’s winner, Davina Rizzo from Stevens Institute of Technology.
A networking reception with heavy hors d’oeuvres will immediately follow the event.
Opening Remarks | |
12:15p–12:50p | Registration, Check-in, and Networking Time |
12:50p–1:00p | Welcome and Introductions by the SERC Chief Technology Officer Dr. Wilson Felder, Director of SERC Doctoral Fellows Program, SERC |
1:00p–1:10p | Opening Remarks from the SERC Executive Sponsor Mr. Scott Lucero, SERC Program Manager, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering |
SERC Doctoral Fellow Presentations | |
1:15p-1:40p | Architecture & Design of a System to Counter Improvised Explosive Devices with Automated Detection, Pattern Recognition and Human in the Loop for Decision-Making
Mr. Jorge Buenfil, ARDEC-Picatinny Arsenal SERC Doctoral Fellow
Download Presentation |
1:40p–2:05p | A Predictive Analysis Framework For Six Degrees Of Freedom Vibration Qualification
Davinia Rizzo, Sandia National Laboratories (Doctoral Student at Stevens Institute of Technology)
Download Presentation |
2:05p–2:30p | Model-based Tradeoffs forAffordable, Resilient Systems
Ms. Marilee J. Wheaton, Aerospace SERC Doctoral Fellow
Download Presentation |
2:30p–3:00p | Break |
3:00p–3:25p | Uncertainty Quantification-driven Model-Based Engineering for Defense System Design and Evaluation
Mr. Douglas Ray, ARDEC – Picatinny Arsenal SERC Doctoral Fellow
Download Presentation |
3:25p–3:50p | Mission-Based Architecture For Swarm Composability (Masc)
Kathleen Giles (Doctoral Student, Naval Postgraduate School)
Download Presentation |
3:50p–4:15p | Rotocraft Tradespace Exploration Incorporating Reliability Engineering
Saikath Bhattacharya (Doctoral Student, University of Massachusetts)
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4:15p–4:40p | Towards Better Understanding Of Software Quality Evolution Thorugh Commit-Impact Analysis
Pooyan Behnamghader (Doctoral Student, University of Southern California)
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4:40p–5:05p | Improving System Performance and Tradeoffs through Design Space Exploration
Chong Tang (Doctoral Student, University of Virginia)
Download Presentation |
SDSF Keynote Talk | |
5:15p–6:00p | Research Priorities and Challenges in the National Security Ecosystem – Dr. Jason Providakes, President and CEO, MITRE Corporation |
6:00pm – 7:00pm | Reception |
Architecture & Design of a System to Counter Improvised Explosive Devices with Automated Detection, Pattern Recognition and Human in the Loop for Decision-Making
Jorge Buenfil, Ph.D. Student, ARDEC
A Predictive Analysis Framework For Six Degrees Of Freedom Vibration Qualification
Davinia Rizzo, Ph.D., Sandia National Laboratories
Mark Blackburn, Ph.D., Stevens Institute of Technology
Uncertainty Quantification-driven Model-Based Engineering for Defense System Design and Evaluation
Douglas Ray
Mission-Based Architecture for Swarm Composability (MASC)
CDR Katy Giles, USN, Ph.D. Student, Naval Postgraduate School
Rotorcraft Tradespace Exploration Incorporating Reliability Engineering
Saikath Bhattacharya, Vidhyashree Nagaraju, and Lance Fiondella
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, MA
Eric Spero and Anindya Ghoshal
US Army Research Laboratory Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
Towards Better Understanding of Software Quality Evolution Through Commit-Impact Analysis
Pooyan Behnamghader, USC Center for Systems and Software Engineering