Research Transition Report 2017 “Transitioning research into practice – crossing boundaries through integrative collaboration”
Start Date: 2018-01-08Lead Authors:
Dr. Douglas Bodner
Dr. Barry Boehm
Mr. Daniel Browne
Dr. Paul Collopy
Mr. Michael Curry
Dr. Cihan Dagli
Dr. Daniel DeLaurentis
Michael DeLorme
Dr. Tommer Ender
Dr. Valentin Gavito
Dr. Barry Horowitz
Dr. Nicole Hutchison
Mr. Thomas McDermott
Dr. Michael Pennock
Dr. Michael Pennotti
Dr. Mikel Petty
Dr. Donna Rhodes
Dr. William Rouse
Dr. Kevin Sullivan
Dr. Richard Turner
Dr. Dinesh Verma
Dr. Jon Wade
Dr. Gary Witus
All research within the SERC is conducted with an objective of having a significant positive impact on the national security of the United States. Thus, it is critical that SERC research is transitioned into practice. The impact of the SERC continues to grow through our collaboration with a number of FFRDCs, National Laboratories, and DoD Industry. To further support this process of transitioning research into practice, this report highlights completed or on-going research tasks that are at a point of maturity necessary to support such a transition. SERC research faculty have published over 300 technical papers and reports over the past eight years and transitioned the research into numerous courses across the SERC universities and beyond. This is the first edition of the Transition Report, with the objective to make it a yearly initiative. We encourage organizations to review the research tasks highlighted, and to contact us if we can assist in the necessary discussion and engagement to support the transition of relevant research into practice.