Technical Report
Requirements Management for Net-Centric Enterprises - Phase II
Enterprises and System of Systems
Report Number: SERC-2011-TR-0017-2
Publication Date: 2011-12-31
Evolutionary Requirements For Net-Centric Enterprise
Principal Investigators:
Dr. William Rouse (Emeritus)
Co-Principal Investigators:
Net-centric enterprises increasingly are found in government
and industry contexts. In this research, a net-centric enterprise consists of a
number of semi-autonomous organizations that collaborate within the context of
a federated structure. Such collaborations may be temporary and of known
duration, temporary and of unknown duration, or permanent and known to be
permanent. When such semi-autonomous organizations collaborate, they typically
have information technology needs to support their collaboration. In the
information technology (IT) domain, such needs are called requirements. From a
business or organizational perspective, these needs are called capabilities or
functions. In designing and developing IT systems to support high-level
capabilities, capabilities are decomposed to functions and then to
requirements. From requirements, software architectures are derived and then
implemented. This process occurs in the context of integrating or
interoperating systems. The fundamental problem is how to manage the process of
proceeding from capabilities to systems, i.e., requirements management in the
netcentric enterprise. This is a socio-technical problem involving
inter-organizational socio issues, as well as technical system integration
issues. This report provides a methodology for addressing the requirements
management problem that includes component methods, processes and tools for
addressing subproblems. This methodology is evaluated via application to case
studies of system integrations that have strong net-centric enterprise
characteristics. In addition, case studies are used to elucidate effective
practices with respect to socio issues. Validation of the concepts and results
of the research is done via interaction with subject matter experts. Finally,
recommendations for future research and technology transfer are provided.