October 2023
NDIA 26th Annual Systems and Mission Engineering Conference
The NDIA Systems Engineering Division will be holding the 26th Annual Systems and Mission Engineering Conference in Norfolk, VA on October 16-19, 2023. Held in co-sponsorship with the NDIA Test & Evaluation Division and the NDIA Integrated Program Management Division; the 2023 Systems and Mission Engineering conference brings together defense community members from industry, government, and academia to highlight ways for improving defense acquisition and system performance; providing an interactive forum for Program Managers, Systems Engineers, Chief Scientists, Specialty Engineers and Managers.
Find out more »October 2024
NDIA 27th Annual Systems and Mission Engineering Conference
The NDIA Systems Engineering Division will be hosting their 27th Annual Systems and Mission Engineering Conference in Norfolk, VA on October 28-31, 2024. This conference is held in co-partnership with the NDIA’s Test & Evaluation and Integrated Program Management Division. It brings together defense community members from industry, government, and academia to highlight ways for improving defense acquisition and system performance. Additionally, the conference provides an interactive forum for program managers, system engineers, chief scientists, speciality engineers and managers.
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