Hosted by the Acquisition Research Program, Department of Defense Management in conjunction with the Naval Warfare Studies Institute at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California.

Portions of the event will be live streamed from the local Monterey venue on ZoomGov Webinar.
Free, Unclassified Public Event
The purpose of the Annual Acquisition Research Symposium is to provide a forum for the presentation of scholarly acquisition research, as well as for dialogue between scholars and acquisition policy-makers and practitioners. Research papers and presentations are given on recently completed and on-going Departments of Defense and US Navy (DoD/DON)-sponsored projects conducted by researchers at a variety of research institutions. Senior DoD/DON acquisition officials serve as panelists or keynote speakers to present their critiques and comments on research papers and priorities.
Although attendees come from many U.S. locations, as well as from some international locales, a large number are from Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) where faculty members and graduate students engage in acquisition-related research. In particular, NPS graduate students are an integral component of the research and dialogue. The Symposium serves an essential part of their graduate learning experience and provides them the opportunity to met with senior policy-makers, practitioners, and distinguished scholars.
Keynote Speakers
The Honorable William LaPlante
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition & Sustainment
The Honorable Nickolas Guertin
Director, Operational Test & Evaluation, Office of the Secretary of Defense
In accordance with Continuous Learning Policy for the Department of Defense Acquisition Workforce, the Acquisition Research Program at the Naval Postgraduate School awards 12 Continuous Learning Points (4 per day) for full symposium participation.