Journal Article
Announcing BKCASE: Body of Knowledge and Curriculum to Advance Systems Engineering
Start Date: 2009-12-01Lead Authors:
Stephanie Few
Dr. David Olwell
Dr. Art Pyster
Alice Squires
In September 2009, Stevens Institute of Technology, together with the Naval Postgraduate School, began the Body of Knowledge and Curriculum to Advance Systems Engineering (BKCASE, pronounced “bookcase”) project. BKCASE is a three-year effort to create a robust Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SE BoK) and a Graduate Reference Curriculum in System Engineering (GRCSE,pronounced “Gracie”). Endorsed by the INCOSE Board of Directors, with significant funding from the U.S. Department of Defense and support from the IEEE Systems Council, BKCASE is the response to a call from government and industry for a globally recognized,community-created foundation for the discipline of systems engineering. The BKCASE project hopes to materially influence standard practice, workforce models, certification, and graduate education around the world.
INCOSE Insight, 12 (4) (December 2009): 69-70