Technical Report
Approaches to Achieve Benefits of Modularity in Defense Acquisition
Enterprises and System of Systems
Report Number: SERC-2018-TR-113
Publication Date: 2018-09-11
Approaches to Achieve Modularity Benefits in the Acquisition Ecosystem
Principal Investigators:
Dr. Daniel DeLaurentis
Co-Principal Investigators:
Dr. Navindran Davendralingam
Dr. Jean Charles Domerçant
Dr. Gary Witus
Dr. Lu Xiao
Our efforts in RT-185 have continued the investigation of how the DoD can develop systems to exploit modularity to enhance defense acquisitions and military capabilities. The work built upon prior insights gained on the Modular Open System Approach (MOSA) ecosystem and sought to provide an objective means of feedback to help inform acquisition choices related to seeking the benefits of modularity and openness. This feedback-oriented perspective is motivated by the perceived lack in sufficient guidance and knowledge, beyond high-level artifacts, that can guide MOSA stakeholders in making well-informed acquisition decisions.
The RT-185 team employed a multi-prong approach to achieve the research objectives. This approach included: 1) detailed literature reviews, 2) collaborative exchanges with key subject matter experts from DoD acquisition and development programs, and 3) a translation of lessons learned into knowledge artifacts that shaped our development of a prototype computer Decision Support Framework (DSF). Our work has also resulted in further development of the Program Manager Guidance Document, an artifact of an earlier RT-163 effort, to now include specific considerations and insights for early stage acquisition decisions (particularly from Joint Capabilities Integration & Development System (JCIDS) thru to Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) phases of the defense acquisition lifecycle process.