Dear Colleagues,
This year closed as one of our busiest since the SERC was founded 15 years ago. In October, we published Systems Engineering for the Digital Age, a 41-chapter handbook featuring insights from more than 60 SERC researchers. We followed that by co-organizing a kickoff event in November for the Digital Materiel Management Industry Association Consortium, a promising new collaboration involving the DoD and defense industry.
We celebrated our 15th anniversary at our annual SERC Research Review. Systems engineers spanning our network presented their work, and we selected a talented student for the Boehm Award from the SERC Doctoral Student Forum. We saluted our second chief scientist, Dr. Dan DeLaurentis, with the Founders Award, and we announced our third chief scientist, Dr. Zoe Szajnfarber, who is eager to lead us in 2024.
Thank you for being a part of our community. We wish you a wonderful holiday season!
Dinesh Verma
Executive Director