Conference Paper
SE Capstone: A Pilot Study of 14 Universities to Explore SE Learning and Career Interest Through DoD Problems
Publication Date: 6/26/2011Event: 118th American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition
Event: Vancouver, Canada
Lead Authors:
Christian Jurado
Dr. Susan Lowes
Elisabeth McGrath
Alice Squires
This paper describes a research study whose goal is to understand the impact on student learning of and career interest in Systems Engineering (SE) through a set of diverse pilot SE capstone experiences being implemented in eight civilian universities and six military academies. The strategic goal addressed by this research is to explore how differing course designs, structures and materials impact student learning and career interest in SE in order to augment the SE workforce for future Department of Defense (DoD) and related industry workforce needs. A work-in-progress, this research outlines the rationale, research methods, approaches to course organization, structure, and delivery used across 14 diverse institutions with SE departments at approximately the mid-point of course delivery.