The Helix Project
Publication Date: 12/03/2015Start Date: 2018-07-30
End Date: 2018-07-30
Event: 3rd SERC Doctoral Students Forum and 7th SERC Sponsor Research Review
Event: Washington, D.C.
Research Programs:
Lead Authors:
Ms. Megan Clifford
Dr. Devanandham Henry
Dr. Nicole Hutchison
Christina Jauregui
Dr. Art Pyster
Helix is a multi-year longitudinal research project that is developing Atlas, a theory of what makes systems engineers effective. Atlas is based primarily on in-depth interviews with well over 200 systems engineers and those who work with them. The sample population comes largely from the DoD and its industrial support base, but also includes professionals from other industry sectors such as healthcare and information technology. Atlas 0.5, the current release, is in early trial use. Atlas 1.0, planned for release towards the end of 2016, is expected to be mature enough for independent deployment and assessment by individuals and organizations and will include specific guidance for implementation in practical settings.