May 2020 — The editorial team behind the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK) recently released version 2.2, with some noteworthy changes and additions. This release marks the 7th anniversary of SEBoK which has now encountered over 4 million page views and continues to engage the greater systems community.

Some noteworthy updates within this recent release include the transition in partnership from the IEEE Computer Society to the IEEE Systems Council. Additionally, there is a reorganization of Part 7: Implementation Examples, as well as the new addition on Emerging Knowledge. Given that this is the first new area to be added to SEBoK since Version 1 in 2012, the goal of this addition is to capture new and developing areas of the discipline, including recent doctoral-level research. These exciting changes all speak to the continued growth and evolution of this tool.
Led by Robert Cloutier as the Editor-in-Chief, some new direction on the editorial side of SEBoK include:
- Tom McDermott (SERC Deputy Director) as the Lead Editor for Part 4: Applications in Systems Engineering
- Nicole Hutchison (SEBoK Managing Editor) will become Lead Editor for Part 5: Enabling Systems Engineering
- Art Pyster as Lead Editor for Part 6: Related Disciplines
- Dan DeLaurentis (SERC Chief Scientist) as Lead Editor for Emerging Knowledge.
The Editor in Chief is looking for additional editors to support the evolution of the SEBoK. If you are interested in being considered for participation on the Editorial Board, please contact the SEBoK Staff directly at se***@in****.org.