November 2018
SERC Workshop: Continuous Development and Deployment of Military Capabilities
The SERC is hosting a Workshop on “Continuous Development and Deployment of Military Capabilities” from November 27-28, 2018 in McLean, VA. Workshop attendance is by invitation only, with attendance limited to 75 delegates. Research Workshop Leaders: Tom McDermott Jr., Deputy Director, Systems Engineering Research Center Stevens Institute of Technology Dr. Barry W. Boehm, Chief Scientist, Systems Engineering Research Center, University of Southern California A recent Defense Science Board Task Force on the Design and Acquisition of Software for Defense Systems…
Find out more »May 2023
Information Models and Ontologies to Enable Digital Engineering: Research Workshop
The objective of this workshop is to first understand the current state of practice and research in the synthesis and application of information models and ontologies in support of Digital Engineering; and second, identify a small number of key research questions that need to be addressed.
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