Dr. Darin Ellis
Wayne State University
- Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University
- M.S., The Pennsylvania State University
- B.S., Kettering University
Dr. Ellis serves as Associate Provost and Associate Vice President for Undergraduate Affairs at Wayne State University. He is responsible for a number of key areas in the provost's office, including academic policies, curriculum issues, and student learning outcomes and assessment. Additionally, he will oversee the Dean of Students Office, the Office of the Registrar, the University Bulletin and the Office of the Ombudsperson.
From 2010-2016, Dr. Ellis provided leadership and direction to the College of Engineering's academic programs and student services. He was responsible for academic operations, academic regulations, advising, curriculum review and oversight, recruiting, enrollment management, retention, accreditation, public outreach and student organizations. He chaired the College's Academic Operations Committee and co-chairs the College's Technology Advisory Committee. Among other administrative accomplishments, in 2011 he led a complete reorganization of the College's advising, academic services and student services efforts, as well as oversaw the integration of most Computer Science Department academic programs into the College of Engineering.
Dr. Ellis has over 20 years of experience in the field of human factors and ergonomics, specializing in human-computer interaction. He is currently on the faculty of the Industrial Engineering Department at Wayne State University, where he holds the rank of Associate Professor and teaches courses including statistics, human factors in product development, work design and ergonomics. He is a member of ASEE, HFES and IIE. His current research is focused on human-robot interaction including application of augmented reality to robotic interfaces, user-centered design and evaluation of robot controls and displays, operator mental workload assessment and operator-in-the-loop system performance measurement. Applications of this work include remote inspection and manipulation via tele operated ground vehicles, robotic assisted surgery, and operation of space-based robotic manipulators.