Technical Report
Modular Reconfigurable Architecture for Tailored Rapid SE Artifact Generation and Dissemination

Report Number: SERC-2010-TR-011-1
Publication Date: 2010-09-30
Modular Reconfigurable Architecture For Tailored Rapid Systems Engineering Artifact Generation And Dissemination
Principal Investigators:
Dr. Stanislaw Tarcharlski
Co-Principal Investigators:
As projects become increasingly complex, the need for good systems engineering is paramount.
Part of systems engineering is documentation of past events, current activities, and future plans
of software, hardware, and technical management. Documentation of the program’s technical
plans can require significant effort to keep current and to keep the content synchronized in an
environment where change is constant. Add to this issue the fact that many documents have
overlapping information and you have additional complications. This often results in the
documents becoming obsolete relative to fast moving development activities and can create
inconsistencies across the project. The objective of this research was to investigate the ability to
align systems engineering (SE) documents such that the program documents track and
complement one another, are easier to produce and update, support agile environments, and
move towards a data centric rather than document centric focus. The documents that were
evaluated for this task were the Systems Engineering Plan (SEP), Test and Evaluation Master
Plan (TEMP), and the Information Support Plan (ISP). The tool utilized to assist in this research
work was the Systems Engineering Toolkit (SET) developed by the Rotorcraft Systems
Engineering and Simulation Center (RSESC) at the University of Alabama – Huntsville.