Technical Report
Interactive Model-Centric Systems Engineering (IMCSE) – Phase 1

Report Number: SERC-2014-TR-048-1
Publication Date: 2014-09-30
Interactive Model-Centric Systems Engineering (IMCSE)
Principal Investigators:
Dr. Donna Rhodes
Co-Principal Investigators:
Dr. Adam Ross
Model based systems engineering (MBSE) is becoming increasingly more important in the
practice of SE. MBSE methods and tools are used throughout the entire lifecycle to generate
systems, software and hardware products, and work towards replacing labor-intensive and
error-prone documentation-based processes with model-based methods. To take advantage of
model-based techniques to develop systems, it is important to improve human and technology
integration to make trades and decide on what is most effective given the present knowledge
and future uncertainties, as well as make logical decisions based on the availability of resources
and constraints. The Interactive Model-Centric Systems Engineering (IMCSE) research program
will develop the SE methods, processes and tools to improve this interaction, with the goal of
accelerating the transition of SE to become a more model-based discipline.
The IMCSE research program aims to develop transformative results through enabling intense
human-model interaction, to rapidly conceive of systems and interact with models in order to
make rapid trades to decide on what is most effective given present knowledge and future
uncertainties, as well as what is practical given resources and constraints.