Technical Report
Vehicle Systems Engineering and Integration Activities – Phase 3

Report Number: SERC-2011-TR-015-3
Publication Date: 2011-12-31
Flexible Vehicle System Engineering And Integration
Principal Investigators:
Dr. Walter Bryzik
Co-Principal Investigators:
TARDEC's mission is to conduct full service life cycle engineering support to the TACOM Life Cycle Management Command and the Program Executive Offices associated with it, for all DoD ground vehicle system acquisition and life cycle management. The TARDEC Systems Engineering Group is constantly looking for systems engineering methods, tools and procedures (MPT) to support this mission. TARDEC has found that many systems engineers from the automobile industry have significant experience in systems engineering (SE), but lack experience in some of the competencies deemed critical to systems engineering in the DoD workforce. This research will identify the differences between education needs of system engineers in both industry and the DoD workforce, and develop methods, processes and tools to address the shortfalls in educating SEs in the DoD workforce.
This report documents fifth quarter progress and sixth quarter plans for project RT26.
Fifth quarter activities focused on the second case study of Task 3, the application of SE
processes to Science and Technology (S&T) projects. The details of these developments
are described in Section 2, Project Status. Plans for the next quarter are described in
Section 3, Project Plans.