Technical Report
Certifying SEEA Compliance with Section 508

Report Number: SERC-2016-TR-116
Publication Date: 2016-11-01
System Engineering Experience Accelerator (SEEA)
Principal Investigators:
Dr. Jon Wade
Co-Principal Investigators:
Dr. Douglas Bodner
This report fulfills requirements for Tasks 3.1 and 3.2 as described in RT 167: Developing Systems Engineering Experience Accelerator (SEEA) Prototype and Roadmap – Increment 4 - A009 Technical and Management Work Plan and below.
In the planning part, the objective is to determine the requirements for simulated learning technologies, specifically the EA, Section 508 Compliance, based on these requirements determine a compliance strategy for design, implementation and validation, and then provide an estimate for this work. The objective for
Implementation part is to implement these changes to ensure that the EA is Section 508 compliant. The necessary migration of the Presentation Engine from Flash to HTML5 is being accomplished in the EA Tools Part 3 RT.
• T3.1: Determine methods for evaluating Section 508 compliance, authoring content and developing simulated learning applications
• T3.2: Determine necessary changes for Section 508 compliance